If you miss a group class, you may attend a makeup session of the same level at one of our classes hosted at a private facility (e.g., West Point Grey Academy or Aura Indoor Tennis Club), provided that an available spot opens within 12 hours of the missed class’s start time.
You cannot attend a makeup class at City of Vancouver classes, but we're happy to accommodate you if you missed a session at one of them at one of our privately hosted group classes instead if there is space.
Note: City of Vancouver policies do not allow one-time attendance solely for makeup classes. However, you may request a withdrawal and refund for classes missed due to injury or illness by contacting the community centre by telephone. Please note that we do not handle withdrawal and refund decisions for City of Vancouver classes.
*Makeup classes must be attended within 30 days of the last class date of the current session.
Contact us via email at admin@precisiontennis.ca or by phone/text at (236) 515-6520.