NPRP 1.0 - 2.0
Players with no prior pickleball experience
Players with limited playing experience and no lesson experience
Players who are unable to consistently rally 5 balls in a row from the non-volley zone
NPRP 2.0 - 2.5
Players with 5-10 hours of previous lesson experience
Players who are unable to consistently rally 5 balls in a row from the baseline using forehand and backhand
NPRP 2.5 - 3.0
Players who are able to consistently rally at least 5 balls in a row from the baseline (forehand and backhand)
Players should understand basic serve & volley technique but struggle to use them with consistency in point play
NPRP 3.0 - 3.5
Players who are able to consistently rally at least 10 balls in a row from the baseline (forehand and backhand)
Players who are able to serve and volley during point play with some consistency